Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Say What You Need to Say...

This blogging thing is very addictive, because people in general like to share their views and thoughts. It is pretty funny the way it goes... once you start to write it is hard to stop. Ideas, feelings, and emotions just flows as the water in the river.
Honestly, I enjoy to read some blogs. It seems that other people always have more to say, and they do it in a more imaginative way than me. It is probably the main reason that I am not writing as much as my daughters-in-law for example. Their blogs are a big hit, and I truly enjoy spending time reading their postings.
Renato, my son number 3, on the other hand is also awesome to comment someone else posting. He always has something creative and uplifting to say about others' postings. Even on the dumiest, sad, or depressing posting, Renato will find something nice to comment. A good example is what he comments on my postings.
Rodrigo, Marcio and Fernando like to write on something deep, thoughtful, or otherwise poetical. Ruth and Ginger are always posting something new and very interesting that make you think. Maybe one day I will be as good at this thing. For now thought I will just keep trying express whatever comes to my mind.


REGS said...

Hey, I had not noticed you were writing again! I for one enjoy your postings, and hope you'll be more consistent at it than I've been!

REGS said...

Oops, this is Fernando, I hadn't noticed that I'm on Ruth's login.

REGS said...

This is Ruth, this time. I hope you'll keep writing a lot also! I really enjoy reading your insights on everything!