Thursday, November 26, 2009

Let It Go....Move On!

Today I got a post from a dear friend that made me realize how keep looking to the past disapointments is so destructive. He cannot get over about whatever happened in his life, or better, for what he thinks is to blame for some damage he suffered in his past.

Of course, I am not on his shoes to feel his pain, and at some extent I simpatize with him.

However, as he blames all those who does not even know who he is, he lives in this living hell. Tormented by a past that will be way in the past and by a hate for people that may have been guilt for the damage he suffered, but are probably dead. In the process, not only he destrois his chances of happyness, or to enjoy life, but also he blames and hates those who also does not know what happened to him and cannot change whatever happened. He is tied to something that does not exist anymore and cannot be changed.

It is very sad, and reminds me a story that a friend told me long ago; it goes something like this,"Long ago this merchand was going from town to town selling his stuff. One day he stoped at this coffee chop to have some food and rest. Then, the merchant notice that there was a very ugly looking dog outside the coffee shop hauling very loud. As time went by the dog wont stop hauling, which was very disturbing. After while, the merchant asked the owner what was going on. The guy then told the merchant that the dog was hauling because he was sat over a big nail. The merchant asked why the dog just do not get up and free itself from the nail. The owner then said that dog decided do not to do it, the dog became used to stay on that situation."

Some of us like to complain about the life's hardship, but does not move, does not try to change the future. We cannot change the past, but we certainly can make our future better in many ways. It would mean carry on our wounds, our losses, but in any instance it will be always better to get up and move on than "hauling and blaming".


Renato S. said...

You anonymous friend reminds me of 2 siblings that we both know, who cannot stay in the same room together because of past mistakes that neither can let go of...The world would be a much better place if there was more lettin' go and movin' on!

REGS said...

(Fernando) That is for sure. I guess there are many experiences in this life that are meant to be part of just that, our mortal experience. These experiences may be hard and can leave us a bit scarred, but in the end all we can do is move on with our lives trying to learn whatever we can on the way.