Sunday, May 3, 2009

Not All That Wonder Are Lost

Did anyone feel like wondering on a grocery store thinking, "what am I forgetting?", but keep walking and thinking about what is missing on the list?

Sometimes, I think that in other things in life we catch ourselves thinking about, "what is missing", and we keep searching and moving forward after "something".

I never thought it is a bad thing. Like the quote says we might not be lost, but lost in the search for happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, you can name it.

I always enjoyed a lot of things, and took a couple years to find my professional vocation. In the path to find it, I also found a lot of things that I enjoy to do as well. Maybe it is the reason that I kept studying. I cannot recall a time that I spent out of school. Even after I finished law school in Brazil, I went back to teach grammar to middle school kids.

I think that it is not just by chance that my current husband is finishing his 2nd master degree. We certainly share the same craziness. After all we are passing our 1/2 century age, so why we keep challenging our minds or ourselves?

I believe that it is the sense of fulfillment. Stretching myself to limits I did not know I could do it.
Well, all this bla-bla-bla above was motivated by the fact that I received a letter this weekend from LDSBC, where I am currently studying, telling me that I made to the "Dean's List".

I could not believe that, I was and am astonished. It is the type of feel good thing. After all, it was a 3 days a week, four hours each class after my full time job in the winter time deal package.

Bottom line: If I could, I believe anyone can do it as best or much better than I did. It is all about will power (or craziness, pick one).


Renato S. said...

i love what you wrote and I was really excited to leave a real profound comment, but I forgot what it was.....and I barely finished my associates...

REGS said...

Yeah, Renato is getting a little old and forgetful. It must have been that birthday two months ago!!

Mom, I'm glad you are back to the land of the blogging!! Congratulations on the Dean's List. I am glad you still enjoy studying (or learning) and that you and Steve have that in common. Good job!! (This is Fex, by the way)

REGS said...

Congratulations Mae! You are so smart and such a hard worker, you deserve it!

Ginger said...

Congratulations on making the dean's list! That really is something to blog about. I just want you to know, though, that we are proud of you whether you made the dean's list or not. You are a great mom and grandma. No success outside of the home can trump that.

MamaMia said...
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MamaMia said...

I just hope that you guys do not think that I was bragging, or anything like that. I was & am excited, bc it was sort of reward of the hardship of attending college at my age, and hold a full time job, etc etc. Also, it may be the way I found to say that some things that seems totaly impossible, can be possible if we stretch ourselves a little further. Like Pres. Hinckley said: Stand a little taller. I think it is important to set a good example. My only hope is that some one more talent than me (anybody for instance) could think,"if she can, of course I can do even better!" Thank you for all your support. Luv Ya