Sunday, August 22, 2010

Freedom of Speech or Lack of Respect?

My mother taught me that our freedom ends where someone else freedom starts. Therefore, I believe that we cannot exercise our "freedom" in the way we are subtracting, diminishing, or violating someone else freedom or rights.

It was ludicrous when Dr. Laura Schlessinger tried to justify her rampant use of the "N" word to one of her loyal listeners saying that her 'freedom of speech rights' "have been usurped by angry, hateful groups who don't want to debate -- they want to eliminate." (published online on CNN -8/20/10).

It is pretty hard to understand how is justifiable that, in order to preserve my right of speech, I can go on and offend other people including that very one you supposed to support or at least sympathize with (because it is your loyal listener). How a mass media speaker, like Dr. Laura, can use the means that she possess to public offend not only an individual, but a whole segment of our society. She was rude (as usual) not only to her listener that called her for a advice, but also innocent people who did not ask anything but respect.

This was not about the "n" word. It was about to take advantage of her position and totally disrespect other people. It is offensive because it is a derogative way to refer to certain group of people, and as such should not be broadcasting, specially in the offensive way she said. It seemed that she was just expelling her own feelings towards this segment of our society, and not as a point that she was trying to make.

Should we allow or ignore other media communicators to go on air and use the "b" word to refer to other women?


Renato S. said...

that's right!

Fe said...

Hey, look who's back!
Yeah, an author/relationship guru I like says that it is not because we have a mouth, and a thought, that we have the right to say whatever we feel like, especially when it can hurt others' feelings. Particularly when it comes to educated people, we should know that living in a land where we *can* say just about anything does not mean we *should* say it.

rodrixar said...

Wow... mama, I'm impressed. Where have I been all this time while you've been blogging hard core? I didn't know you were so dedicated. Great job, this is a wonderful, wonderful blog. And trust me, I mean this. I'm not just posting here for the free link to my own blog :)