While ago I came across with this article about the words we keep playing in the back of our minds. In fact, according to the author and some studies, those words or phrases can be "killers" or the "motivation" we need to stay alive - like the one in the title. Some times all we have and must do it's stay afloat until the save line come in our rescue.
So, some things that we repeat to ourselves such,"I am such a looser", or "I knew I could not do it", or " I am an idiot" are definitely K I L L E R S. Sadly, it seems that we find it easier to blame ourselves and make it dictate our destinies, since we sentenced ourselves as unable to change.
This is not true. WE ALL CAN CHANGE. In fact, what I like most about this article is that it's fall in what we already know through the gospel. Perfection is a eternal matter, and we can perform better over the time. We were not born to be losers.
Another aspect is that, we should change those mantras for something more positive. If we keep repeating that we CAN DO IT. The attitude alone will exercise a positive influence in our lives, and in the way we face and work our challenges.
I love some of those mantras - quotes that we repeat to ourselves - in that article such as:
"The fear is the mind killer" - this one was what the main character in the book, "Dunne" repeat to himself as he is forced to put his hand inside a box (where nobody knew what was inside) and maybe was to experience unbearable pain. However, as he keep repeating to himself the mantra, he faced the challenge to find out that there was nothing.
"Onward ever, backward never" - this one is so motivating. It was used by this explorer that for some reason I can't find his name right now. But, anyway, he was one of the few explores to cross the dangerous Congo River all the way long, and all by himself. Another reason that I can't forget this quote is because I had just read this article when I left for my dear Ginger's baby shower. It was Caio's baby shower, and Ginger had this cute baby shower where the invitees should give her a bead to make a bracelet that she would use during the deliver. Also, along with the bead, each invitee should share a motivational/inspirational thoughts. So, during the deliver she would look to the bracelet and remember the inspirational thoughts, and feel more courage to bear that hard moment. Unfortunately, I was caught by surprise, and the only thing I could think about was this quote. In fact, when you are in that moment, you can't back-up afterwards. The only way to go is forward. Well, at that moment in my mind it sounded perfect. Of course, not everyone may have share my awkward enlightenment.
"I can do better" - there is no special estory behind, but it's selfexplanatory anyway.
"We are all trying our best" - This one is so helpful to be more understanding with other's shortcommings. It is important to remember that we all are trying, and sometimes, even using the best of our habilities we terribly fail. Like the old say, " The way to hell is paved with good intentions". But instead see things from our own perspective, trying to see through the disaster, someone's real intention to try, would avoid a lot of hard feelings. Years ago in Brazil, one norte american sister was required to bring "mayonese" for 10 people as assignment for a Relief Societe dinner. Everyone became so upset when she brought a huge jar of "mayonese". She could not figure whay everyone was trading looks. Well, in Brazil we call "potato salad" mayonese. Poor sister Anderson did not understand, neither the other brazilian sisters way she brought just the "salad dressing". If they were able to see that she, a mother of 8, was trying to do her very best within her knowledge and habilities.
"Oh God give understand to see the things that I can change and strengh to do it; give me patient to understand and accept the thing that I cannot change, and wisdon to distinguish both." - Completly self explanatory, don't you think?
So, there are many mantras that we can put in our "TOOL KIT". It is very important that we change the things we repeat to ourselves in order to turn the table around. To prove ourselves that we CAN do whatever we want, and we are not LOSERS. Of course, we will make mistakes, but we can learn from them and change our methods, our aprouch. So, if you have some mantras that you would like to share, I would love to hear about:)
(Fex) When we first moved to the US, the adaptation was pretty difficult for all of us. I eventually came across this motivational poster at one of our Target stores we cleaned that put everything into better perspective. The poster had a car speeding down this beautiful road and around a sharp, 180 degree turn. The caption said "A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you don't make the turn." It made me think about how the life we loved hadn't ended when we left the area we loved, it had just changed directions. Of course the way to be happy(er) would be do adapt and enjoy the new direction instead of just moping, feeling sorry for what was past. Since change is the most consistent thing in life, I think this makes a great mantra.
I remember cleaning Nomen Global in Provo and seeing the poster of a basketball player making a basket. The caption read: "You will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take". Along with what Fex said, the only constant thing in life is change and adaptation is the best way to be happy. Sure, sometimes changes are hard, but the outcome depends on us and if we don't try do adapt to the changes just because if insecurity we will never learn and grow.
Well blogged mother!
Thank you both! Those quotes are very good, and I will include them in my "tool-kit". I'm happy that you were able to catch up good and positive things while working under such hardship (endless nights cleaning unseem spots) It reminds me another one,"if the life gives you a lemon, you can make a lemonade, or complaim about the sour". We all have a choice.
Also, those bilboards like "pass it on" are so cool. My favorite is the one with the Kermit where it says,"He lives in a swamp, eat flies, dates a pig. A holywood star.
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